Friday, February 20, 2015

Homeschool Fun--The Lesson in Pets

Let me introduce the readership to our bunnies, Scarlett Daisy Hart (left) and Jolene Dixie Hart (right). We've had them for over a year now, and while I was not enthused about the idea in the beginning in hindsight the lessons my children have learned from caring for these two sweet creatures has been invaluable.

They've learned that all of Allah's creations are special.
As a child, we had pets. Our pets are always keep outside, there was very little interaction with them except to throw them so food. Honestly, I remember being afraid of every animal we had. This relationship is sharp contrast between the way my children view pets. The buns are loved and cared for in a very different. 

Bunnies are mammals too.
My children did weeks of research before we purchased our bunnies. They learned their anatomy, desired living conditions, dietary needs, and the best way to play and stimulate them. Before I knew it their conversations where nothing short of a rabbit care manual! They learned so much, and it all was useful.

Pets are responsiblity.
We've found our bunny babies to be pure work. Feeding and cleaning are the two biggest jobs. We're had to be creative with their living environment finally settling on two big dog kennels affectionately known as the condos. Sharing the responsibilities among the three of them has taught them a lot about working together and collective efforts.

Overall our experience loving and caring for Scarlett and Jolene has brought about a maturity and strengthening of faith. And they're pretty cuddling too!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Let's Get Crafty--The M Project

So I collect letter Ms and the M is for Muhammad! Sounds silly, but I do. We pull them out every year for Saviours' Day as decor along with our glittery candles, string lights, a pendant banner I made 6 years ago. How do you decorate for Saviours' Day?

Let's Get Crafty--Scripture Pictures

This project was so fun! It's a wonderful way to integrate the words of Allah into your household providing daily reminders.

You'll need

an old frame (thrift store find)
letter stickers (from the scrapbook aisle)
spray paint in your color of choice

The original print was a hunting theme and we just put the letters of the ayat we'd chosen right over it. I sprayed the frame a pretty purple and the print silver. You'll just spray paint right over the letters. When the print drys, carefully peel the letter stickers off, put your frame together and done. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sickle Cell Warriors PHX

My daughter, Hassana, is currently kicking sickle cell anemia's butt! Throughout the course of her journey, my husband and I have observed a real void in the support of parents specifically encouraging them to be active members in the course of their child's or their own health care. We've started small with a simple Facebook group. We hope to grow into meet-ups, fundraisers, etc. Feel free to pass this along to whomever would benefit. Thank you.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Let's Get Crafty--Islamic Leather Bracelets

Finding crafts that my son would like can sometimes be a challenge. These burned leather bracelets were a HIT!

You'll need

Premade plain leather bracelets (Got ours at Micheal's Craft Store)
a wood burner

We wrote what we wanted to say on the bracelets first and then trace it with the wood burner. Enjoy! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Let's Get Crafty--Family Finger Print Heart

Saviours' Day in our house is an opportunity to pull out the glue gun, spray paint, and wood burner! We love to express our love for Islam with crafts. This family heart was super simple to create.

You'll need

 a cute photo frame (Go to the thrift store)
a piece of scrapbook paper cut to fit the frame
a paint color for each member of your family
lots of yummy fingers

I traced a heart onto the paper. Each family member helped to fill in the heart with their finger tips. So simple, but so beautiful! Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Operation Catch Up: Hassana

My baby is moving on up! After drilling phonics, sight words, numbers, and counting for so long; We have finally mastered the basic skills and ready for the big girl stuff. Reading, writing, 'rithmetic are paramount for her right now.  Yet I am always amazed by Sana's logic and critical thinking skills. This girl is smart as a whip, but the formal "sit down and work on this" is so not her. LOL. She has required me, as a facilitator of her education, to grow in order to accommodate her learning style. I think we have finally struck a balance between her free spirit and my micromanaging!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Operation Catch Up

We still love a great field trip. Still living by the motto that if it's free than it's for me! On average we take 2-3 formal field trips a month. This is year my focus has been on fine arts. The local community colleges here have recitasl at the end of each semester. Several recitals are scheduled for next week. Be sure to look for some in your city!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Saturday, October 1, 2011