Saturday, July 5, 2008

Paper or Plastic . . .Neither

This week at the local library, we learned about "Pollution Solutions". The children had fun decorating resusable cloth shopping bags that we can use at the store instead of paper and plastic bags. Some serious concentration there.
Silly girl!
Look at my big boy!
Daddy's working hard on those purple butterflies and pink flowers. Anything for Babygirl, what a good Daddy!
One big step into toddlerhood!

This is my favorite picture of the moment!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Yeah!Let me know how the shopping goes with those. Are the bottoms square to accommodate boxes?

  3. @Kysha It was a lot of fun. The library staff keep picking with Dewayne!

    @Sister P We tried them and found that that was the biggest problem, no square bottom. They still work out ok. I think I'll let the children use them for library books and get us some of the Wal Mart ones. You know you are such an inspiration!

  4. Awwww! {{{{{{{{Lakisa}}}}}}}}}
